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Notice on Press Coverage for China-South Korea-Japan Leaders' Meeting

The 8th China, South Korea and Japan Leaders' Meeting will be held in Chengdu, China. Foreign media based in China wishing to cover the above-mentioned activities are kindly requested to apply via e-mail no later than 3:00 pm on December 15th, 2019.

The application documents are required as follows,

1. Scanning copy of the media agency's license,

2. Scanning copy of the reference letter from the media agency(stamped),

3. Scanning copy of the applicants' press cards,

4. Scanning copy of the foreign passports or China's ID cards,

5. Digital ID Photos (white background, 600*800 pixels, 50-500KB, JPEG format, and rename the photo with your surname, given name and date of birth. For example, Adam Smith-19781231)

6. Completed Application Form (attached below)

Application should be submitted by media rather than individuals to xws6@mfa.gov.cn, and the Email is titled " XXX (media's name) to cover the 8th China-South Korea-Japan Leaders' Meeting".

Limited quota based on the principle of First Come, First Served. The confirmation of your participation will be notified with the detailed arrangement by the Information Department in due course.

Contact: Mr. Cheng Fanhua

Tel: 65965039

Email: xws6@mfa.gov.cn

Information Department,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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